Do you crave support in your creative endeavors and need accountability and guidance along the way?

I am now working one-on-one with artists both in-person and on Zoom. Together we can delve into a particular project, help tease the meaning and substance from an idea, forge a body of photographic work and bring a series to fruition, in both photographic and written form.

Consider signing up for my private creativity coaching. Call or email me for more info and we can talk about a package that suits your needs.


“I just completed a series of eight sessions with Lucy and I am thrilled with what we accomplished.

Throughout our work together, Lucy was encouraging, honest and energizing – and really, she’s just an amazing person to be able to spend time with. She created space that was open and generative, but that was also focused on moving towards my goals. I left every session not only with specific tasks and work for the next meeting, but also with a feeling of excitement to continue my work.

At one point I was completely stuck trying to articulate the “why” of my work; and with thoughtful, probing questions, lots of patience and careful, curious listening, Lucy helped me reach my “ah-ha” moment. She challenged me to really think deeply and she gave me tools to work through my mental blocks. Truly, Lucy is an incredible teacher and while our focus together was on photography, I believe that her strategies and her gifts as a teacher transcend a single discipline. She is wonderful and I feel so lucky to have had the chance to work with her”. — Courtney photographer